Gophers are rodents with a penchant for burrowing, and they can wreak havoc on your carefully tended gardens and lawns. Their underground tunnels disturb root systems, create unsightly mounds of dirt, and can potentially damage irrigation systems. While the urge to banish these burrowing bandits might be strong, there are safe and effective ways to deal with them without resorting to harmful methods.

Understanding Gophers: The Key to Effective Control

Before diving into control methods, let’s get to know our opponent. Gophers are solitary herbivores that spend most of their lives underground. They create extensive tunnel systems for foraging and nesting. While they can be a nuisance, they also play a role in the ecosystem by aerating soil and dispersing seeds.

The Safest Options: Keeping Your Garden Gopher-Free

Several humane and eco-friendly methods can effectively deter or remove gophers from your property. Here are some safe ways to keep gophers away:

  • Habitat Modification: Gophers prefer loose, well-drained soil for burrowing. Amending your soil with clay or compost can make it less suitable for their tunneling activities. Additionally, planting dense, deep-rooted vegetation around the perimeter of your garden creates a natural barrier that gophers find difficult to penetrate. Consider using plants with strong root systems like sunflowers, castor beans (be aware, these can be poisonous if ingested), or certain varieties of mint.
  • Exclusion Techniques: Hardware cloth, a strong, galvanized mesh, can be used to create physical barriers around your garden beds or vulnerable areas. Bury the hardware cloth at least 18 inches deep and extend it a few inches above the ground to prevent gophers from burrowing underneath or jumping over it.
  • Natural Repellents: Certain scents and tastes can deter gophers. Castor oil, hot pepper spray diluted with water, or used coffee grounds can be strategically placed around your garden or near gopher entry points. Important note: The effectiveness of these repellents can vary and may need to be reapplied regularly.
  • Trap and Release: Live traps baited with vegetables or fruits can be used to capture gophers. Once trapped, humanely relocate them to a suitable habitat far away from your property. Important note: Always check your local regulations regarding wildlife relocation.

Less Safe Methods: Weighing the Risks and Rewards

There are other methods for gopher control, but they come with potential risks and should be used with caution:

  • Gopher Poison Baits: These baits contain toxins that are lethal to gophers. However, they can also be harmful to pets, children, and other wildlife if accidentally ingested. Additionally, poisoned gophers might die underground, creating an unpleasant odor and attracting other scavengers.
  • Gopher Smoke Bombs: These pyrotechnic devices emit smoke that supposedly suffocates gophers in their burrows. However, it is difficult to say just how effective they are, as they are potential fire hazards and can affect beneficial insects.
  • Gopher Gas: This method involves pumping gas into gopher tunnels to suffocate them. It’s a dangerous and potentially ineffective approach. The gas can leak above ground, posing a health risk to humans and pets. Additionally, improper use can lead to explosions.

Professional Help: When DIY Methods Fall Short

If gopher problems persist despite your best efforts, consider seeking professional help. Licensed pest control companies have access to specialized traps and exclusion techniques that can be more effective for large infestations.

Important note: When hiring a professional, inquire about their methods and ensure they prioritize safe and humane approaches. One company that is worthy of note is Early Bird Pest Control, located in Phoenix, Arizona.

Gophers may be a nuisance, but there are ways to coexist with them peacefully. By prioritizing safe and humane methods like habitat modification, exclusion techniques, and natural repellents, you can protect your garden and the environment. Remember, prevention is key. Taking these steps can help deter gophers from making your property their next tunneling project. With a little patience and these strategies, you can enjoy a beautiful garden without unwanted guests disrupting your green haven.